Societies. A directory of Clan MacMillan organizations and branches.

Clan MacMillan is represented by branches and societies in Scotland, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are listed below, organized by nationality. If you are interested in joining a Clan MacMillan organization in your vicinity please contact them. Download a directory as a PDF with complete lists of respective branch officer sand contact information.
Clan MacMillan Society of North America (CMSNA)
Read about CMSNA on their web page. To make enquiries contact H. S. Butch McMillan.
Community of the Tonsured Servant (CTS)
Read about the objectives, mission and membership of CTS on their web page. To make enquiries contact Blanche McMillan at 905-637-3395 or email.
United States
Appalachian Branch of Clan MacMillan
Clan MacMillan's largest branch has a geographical area from the Mason-Dixon Line south to Florida, and from the east coast of the USA to the Mississippi River. See their web page web page for contacts and more information.
Clan MacMillan North Central States
This branch encompasses Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and North and South Dakota. See their web page for contacts and more information.
Clan MacMillan Society of Texas
See their website for contacts and more information.
Clan MacMillan Pacific Branch
The Pacific branch represents Clan MacMillan in California, Nevada, and Oregon. See their website for contacts and more information.
Florida McMullens
The traditions of "The Descendants of James (Eli) McMullen and Mary Nancy Vick", say that their ancestor was one of three brothers who emigrated from Scotland just before the Revolution, in which James McMullen fought for the Patriots. After the war he and his wife Sarah Minton settled in Georgia, where their sons William and James were born in 1782 and 1788. The McMullen brothers married sisters Lavinia and Rebecca Fain, and James was the father of seven sons, four of whom settled in Hillsborough, now Pinellas County, Florida. James's fourth son Daniel, who was born in 1825, built "a magnificent three-room log house" there at Largo, where the descendants of the seven sons held their first annual reunion on the 4th of July 1925. Though not formally organised with a regular subscription, the Florida McMullen reunions are always amongst the biggest of annual clan events, with some 450 attending the 70th anniversary in 1995.
President: Paul McMullen, 2097 Oakadia Drive South, Clearwater, FL 34624. Secretary: Margaret McMullen Michaels, phone 831-786-5868, 3056 Oak Creek Dr. N., Clearwater, FL 34621
Mississippi McMillins
The Mississippi McMillins and Related Families of Louisville and Winston Counties or the "Mississippi McMillins" - as the name is generally abbreviated within the clan as a whole - are all the descendants of William McMillin (born c.1763 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and died 1845 in Louisville, MS, USA). The society was founded in 1951. They meet on the first Sunday in August every year at Louisville for a church service and lunch. Up to 120 or more sometimes attend informally at the annual reunions, where voluntary donations are collected rather than an official subscription.
Contact secretary Sylvia Bennett McMillin, 9274 Tower Pines Cove, Ooltewah, TN 37363. Email or phone 423-313-1969 (cell/text) or 423-893-8235 (land line).
Virginia McMullens/McMullans
The Chlann an Taillear are the descendants of John McMillan "The Tailor" who emigrated from Ireland to Virginia, USA, in 1760. He founded the settlement of McMullen in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, from whence some of his sons - who generally adopted the spelling McMullan - travelled to Georgia and elsewhere in the south and west of the USA. The McMullens/McMullans in recent years have come together in a loosely organised society that publishes a frequent newsletter, and holds holds regular reunions in Virginia and elsewhere; but has no formal membership roll or subscription.
Convener: Ginny West, PO Box 20336, Roanoke, VA 24018.
Historian: Emily M. Williams, phone 540-825-7503,13084 Crestview Lane, Culpepper, VA 22701.
Glengarry & Ottawa
Contact Anne Neuman by email or at 905-888-1278.
Clan MacMillan Society of New Brunswick
Clan MacMillan Society of New Brunswick is open to all M'millans and sept members. It evolved from a family group - "The Descendants of Myles McMillan" - who held occasional reunions prior to its incorporation in 1958 as a chapter of the then newly-formed Clan MacMillan Society of North America. It became a separate society in 1994. For more information about the Society of New Brunswick, email Chris McMullen.
President: Bert MacMillan
Treasurer: A. Clair MacMillan, phone 506-472-8878, 117 Cedar Ave., Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3A 2C5
Clan MacMillan Society of Nova Scotia
A small and loosely organised society which until 1994 was a chapter of the Clan MacMillan Society of North America. An article relating to Clan MacMillan Society of Nova Scotia in Clan MacMillan International Magazine, Issue 4, May/June 2005, "The First MacMillans in Pictou" (available to members of CMI).
For more information about the Society of Nova Scotia email Chris McMullen.
Prince Edward Island (PEI) MacMillan Society
The society evolved from various family groups derived from the 1772 "Scotchfort" and the 1811-1812 "Selkirk" settlers, and others. They were incorporated as a chapter of the newly-formed Clan MacMillan Society of North America in 1958. It became a separate society in 1994.
Articles relating to PEI MacMillan Society in Clan MacMillan International Magazines and newsletters. The Woods Islands PEI MacMillans, Issue 15, Nov./Dec. 2010 The Woods Islands Clan MacMillan Family, Newsletter, June 2011 (available to members of CMI).
President: Margaret Bell, phone 902-368-1178, 34 Williams Gate, Stratford, PE, C1B 0C6
Treasurer: Joyce Peacock, phone 902-367-6554, Unit 1, 202 Euston Street, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 1W8
Clan MacMillan Society of Australia
The Clan branch representing Australia. See their website for contacts and more information.
New Zealand
Clan MacMillan Society of New Zealand
The Clan branch for New Zealand. See their web page for contacts and more information.
Clan MacMillan Society of France
Clan MacMillan Society of France is the clan's newest branch and the first branch in Continental Europe. See their web page for contacts and more information.