Clan MacMillan International

Clan MacMillan International

Books & publications related to Clan MacMillan.

Clan MacMillan International Centre's (CMIC) Library

Access to CMIC's library is available to visitors at Finlaystone. See PDFs to find books by title and author.

MS sources

NLS MSS/MS 1467 - The collection of clan genealogies known as MS 1467(r e29-34 for the MacMillan pedigree).

NRS/GD.61 - The Buchanan of Leny papers (Box 17 for the 16th century Leny Family Tree).

Mitchell Library, Glasgow: Local Archives T-SK1 to Y-SK39 - Stirling of Keir papers.

NRS/GD.80/965 - Ardross MS.

Histories of the clan as a whole.

Hugh Macmillan, The Clan Macmillan (London, 1901).

Somerled MacMillan, The MacMillans and their Septs (Glasgow, 1952).

Christopher W. McMullen, The MacMillan Endeavour (West Virginia, 1990).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, Clan MacMillan: A Complete History (Inverness, 2022) CMIC.

Histories of branches of the clan.

Somerled MacMillan, Families of Knapdale (Paisley, 1960).

Somerled MacMillan, Bygone Lochaber (Paisley, 1971).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The Macmillans in Glenurquhart (Inverness, 2010).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The MacMillans in Knapdale and Kintyre (Inverness, 2024).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The Macmillans in Lochaber and Outer Hebrides (Inverness, 2024).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The McMillans in Galloway and Ulster (Inverness, 2024).

Books or articles containing material about the MacMillans and related names.

William Buchanan of Auchmar, "An Account of the MacMillans" & "An Account of the Lennies" in A Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family and Surname of Buchanan (1723).

Duncan MacMillan, Traditional History of the Scots and of Clan MacMillan (MS, c.1924 in Campbeltown Library; CPL-22).

T. H. Mullin & J. E. Mullan, The Ulster Clans O'Mullan, O'Kane and O' Mellan (Belfast, 1966).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The McMillans of Glen Urquhart in THE INVERNESS COURIER, January & February, 1990 (series of six articles).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "Origins of Lochaber Macmillans" in Lochaber Emigrants to Glengarry, ed. Rae Fleming (Toronto, 1994).

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The Rarest Decision Recorded in History - The Battle of the Clans in 1396", TGSI, Vol. LIX, 1994-96. Reprinted in Gillicattan's Posteritie.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "For Ever Unfortunate - The Original Clan Chattan", TGSI, Vol. LXI, 1999-2000. Reprinted in Gillicattan's Posteritie.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, The Origins and Early History of the MacMillans and Related Kindreds (Clan MacMillan Centre, 2001). Available from CMIC.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The Origins of the MacLellans", The Scottish Genealogist [TSG], Vol. XLIX, No. 1, March 2002.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The De Lanys or Lennies of that Ilk" TSG, Vol. L, No. 1, March 2003. Reprinted in Kindred of the Sword.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The McMillans of Brockloch", CMIM, No. 1, Nov/Dec 2003.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "Clann Challuim in Lorn", TSG, Vol. LI, No. 3, Sept. 2004. Reprinted in Kindred of the Sword

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The MacMillans of Dunmore", CMIM, No. 2, June 2004.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "Emigrants on the Ship 'Glasgow' in 1775", HFHSJ, Vol. 23, No.3, May 2005.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The Surnames M'Gill and Bell", TSG, Vol. LII, No. 4, Dec. 2005. Reprinted in Kindred of the Sword.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The Macmillans of Murlagan & Glenpean - an update", CMIM, No. 6, June 2006. Graeme M. Mackenzie, "The Name MacMillan", TSG, Vol. LIII, No. 1, March 2006. Reprinted in Kindred of the Sword.

John B. McMillan, "Crests, Badges, and Mottos of the 3 Principal Hereditary Branches of Clan MacMillan...", Clan MacMillan Society (of North America) Journal, Vol. 50/51, Dec. 2007/May 2008.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, "Who was Cormac mac Airbertaich", TSG, Vol. LV, Nos 2 & 3, June & Dec. 2008. Reprinted in Kindred of the Sword.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, Gillicattan's Posteritie: MacMillans, MacPhersons, Mackintoshes & Camerons and the great Lochaber feud (Inverness, 2009). Available from CMIC.

Graeme M. Mackenzie, Kindred of the Sword: Essays in Early MacMillan History (Inverness, 2011). Available from the CMIC.

Christopher W. McMullen, The Clan MacMillan Society: Journey to a Clan Identity 1892-2005 (Saint John, NB, 2014). Available from the CMIC for £5 + P&P. Available from author for $10 Canadian or $8 American + P&P (email author to order).

Christopher W. McMullen, The MacMillan Tartans: Na Buidhe agus na Dearg (Saint John, NB, 2015). Available from the Clan Centre for £3 + P&P. Available from author for $6 Canadian or $5 American + P&P (email author to order).

Christopher W. McMullen, A MacMillan Ceilidh: Stories, Poems and Songs Celebrating the Clan MacMillan (Saint John, NB, 2017). Available from the Clan Centre for £3 + P&P. Available from the author for $6 Canadian or $5 American + P&P (email author to order).

See also various articles by Somerled MacMillan in the Clan MacMillan Magazine of North America, (3 Vols, 1958-60), and The Clan MacMillan Magazine, (3 Vols, 1964-66).

CMI newsletter and magazine archives compiled into three printed volumes.

Graeme Mackenzie MA has compiled the CMI newsletters and magazines into three printed volumes. These can be obtained from Graeme (not the Clan Centre). Shipping/handling/postage would be additional dependent on where they would be sent. Please email Graeme to order one or more of these volumes or obtain additional pricing for shipping and handling.

Volume 1, CMIC Newsletters, Autumn 1993 - No. 20 Spring 2003, Black & white, $18.00, see a PDF listing articles.

Volume 2, CMI Newsletters & Magazines, Nov./Dec. 2003 - Nov/Dec 2010, Black & white and color, $35.00, see a PDF listing articles.

Volume 3, CMI Newsletters & Magazines | May/June 2011 - Nov/Dec 2019 | Black & white and color, $35.00 | See a PDF listing articles.

Articles are listed in three PDFs: 1, 2 and 3. These do not correspond to the three printed volumes. An additional PDF lists articles of these CMI newsletters and magazines, compiled chronologically.

These PDFs also provide excellent reference for searching articles by topic among those newsletter and magazine PDFs that can be accessed from the Member's section of the CMI website. Navigate to the "Archives of CMI magazines and newsletters" page in the drop-down menu below "Members' Intro".

See a list of more Clan-related books by Graeme.