Clan MacMillan International

Clan MacMillan International

Join and donate. Become a member of CMI.

The benefits of joining Clan MacMillan International (CMI).

Help support the work of the Clan Centre, and at the same time keep in touch with Chief George MacMillan of MacMillan and Knap at Finlaystone, and your cousins in the rest of the world, by becoming a member of Clan MacMillan International Centre. Memberships run from January 1 to December 31.

CMI members receive:

1. One issue of the CMI Magazine and one issue of the CMI Newsletter per year. These are emailed as PDFs. Printed versions are no longer being offered.

2. Access to the members-only section of the CMI website including:

- A guide to genealogy research, an in-depth guide to researching your M'Millan roots.

- A page titled "Evolution of Clan MacMillan septs" exploring the historical background of Clan septs and pages specific to each of these septs and their histories and spelling variants.

- More in-depth history of Clan MacMillan including individual pages about the histories of Clan MacMillan homelands including Galloway, Glenurquhart, the Hebrides, Kintyre, Knapdale, Lochaber and Ulster.

- Prominent MacMillans in history.

- Access to Project MAOL, the Clan MacMillan genealogical database.

- See a complete list of pages in the members' section of this website in the right-hand column of the site index.

- Access to archived CMI magazines and newsletters. See a PDF listing articles from 1993 to 2019 in chronological order.

3. A 25% discount on the cost of family history enquiries and private research by the Clan genealogist Graeme M. Mackenzie, MA, ( Graeme doesn't charge members for answering simple family history enquiries.)

4. A welcome (with free access except on rare charity days) to the Clan MacMillan International Centre at Finlaystone, with or without prior appointment. ( Note: those visiting the estate primarily for recreation should expect to pay for entrance).

Join using PayPal or a debit/credit card.

Click the button below to use your PayPal account or debit/credit card to join Clan MacMillan International. Please be sure to choose in the drop-down menu below either "New Member" or "Renewing Member". If you are renewing, please enter the Membership Number you were sent when you joined. Dues per person are £20. The fee in other currencies will be charged at the corresponding current exchange rate. We no longer accept cheques for membership dues.

On joining CMI by PayPal, if you don't receive confirmation by email within a week, please email George MacMillan.

CMI Annual Subscriptions
If renewing enter Mem. No:
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Contribute to Clan MacMillan International.

We invite you to contribute to CMI as you join or renew your membership subscription. Add a contribution to your membership using PayPal or your debit/credit card under "Voluntary Donation".

Members are welcome to become involved in Project MAOL.

Though it is not obligatory, we invite members to send us basic details about your M'millan connection and ancestry for our Project MAOL archives - which may allow us in due course to take your line back further, and/or connect you with cousins in other branches of the clan. Members are also welcome to include donations to the Project MAOL Appeal Fund with their subscriptions - to be detailed in the appropriate places on the Membership Application Form. See an Introduction to Project MAOL.