Spellings and septs
There are over 250 spellings of MacMillan - see a current list. Numerous Clan MacMillan septs include Bell, Blue, Brown, Baxter MacGibbon, MacGill, Millan, Mulligan and Walker. Find these on our Septs page.
Chief George MacMillan
Chief George MacMillan of MacMillan and Knap is involved with the development of the clan organization and engaged with clan members around the world. Read George's biography and see a graphic of his lineage.
Clan MacMillan's history
See an introduction to the clan's 800+ year history and a map of Clan MacMillan's lands. A page addresses emigration with maps illustrating migrations to the American Colonies and Canada.
Clan tartan and symbols
Clan MacMillan has three basic clan tartans: Ancient, Dress and Hunting, with variants of each. See MacMillan Hunting Old above. Clan symbols pre-date the tartans: the crest, the clan motto and the clan's plant badge. See pages about tartan and clan symbols.
Clan news and events
Our News page includes articles and updates about Clan news, history and events. Our Events page lists clan events both regional and international.;
Clan genealogy
See an introduction to MacMillan genealogy. The clan's genealogical database, Project MAOL, contains over 20,000 individual entries in almost 500 trees to which CMI members may access these and contribute. CMI also has a MacMillan-specific Y-DNA Project.
Join and donate
Clan MacMillan International is funded by memberships and donations so if you would like to donate, please use the link below. We invite MacMillans (of all spellings and septs) to join Clan MacMillan International. Benefits include a newsletter and magazine per year, access to more in-depth historical and genealogical input, Project MAOL and more. See a list of members' pages on the site map. Many thanks for your support. See how to join or donate to CMI...